The anonymous online app for Facebook hacking
A secure way to hack the target Facebook account. The software has extensive spying functionality. Tracking data is done without any notification to the owner of the hacked profile.
Enter the link to the target Facebook profile or the phone number it is registered to:
Socialtraker allows you to hack and track accounts on popular messaging services. Hacking and tracking occurs anonymously and unnoticed by the target user.
Real-time Facebook Messenger correspondence tracking
Track and save all postings and news of hacked profile
Hack into ad accounts and access all created campaigns
Determining the current location of authorized devices
Account management: track, hack and password change
Export contacts, geotags, documents and other files

Remote Access
The account hacking process is quick and user-friendly. You don't need any technical or hacking experience to work with the service. Our experts have done this work for you by developing secure software.
Flexible system
Unlike other account hacking methods, Socialtraker works remotely from the user's device. You don't need to install spyware, or even know how your target is accessing your account.
100% Secure
Advanced encryption technology and multiple layers of data protection ensure total privacy. Your identity is always protected. The owner of a compromised profile won't be able to identify you under any circumstances.
Just a few minutes
Thousands of hours of algorithm optimization and optimal server configuration have made the service the best Facebook hacking tool on the market. The experience of our developers means that you're guaranteed to hack any Facebook account.
Instant access and control of any account
Tools to securely hack and track any Facebook user
Facebook password hacking and subsequent tracking is performed using a unique approach that guarantees stable and confidential access to account data. Technologically, the app performs a broadcast of the actual database to the user's web interface, and the duplicated data is permanently stored there and cannot be deleted.
Access to user's correspondence history
Cracking Facebook Messenger chat history
The software displays a full set of possible correspondence data: message content, time sent and read, message status, editing history. Received files are available for viewing and downloading in the Socialtraker Dashboard. Built-in media player, able to adjust quality and speed of playback. Access to media files attached in Messenger correspondence.
- Recently I noticed my girlfriend is chatting with someone on Facebook
- Talking to some stranger
- and I found a way to read her Messenger correspondence 💪🏼
- So how did you do it?
- Was the result worth it?
- Yep, with Socialtraker Tracker it's done in just a few minutes👍
Hack Facebook call logs
Call tracking and wiretapping
Voice callOutgoing call
Incoming callMissed
Call log tracking and call tapping is a basic feature of the Socialtraker online application. To access the feature, just purchase a standard service package and start one or more tracking sessions. Owners of accounts with extended functionality also have the possibility of eavesdropping - the software is able to broadcast the conversation in the Dashboard, notifying the user about it in advance.
Activity Monitoring
Track a person's activity on Facebook
The Activity History tool tracks all of the hacked user's actions under other people's posts - likes, reactions, comments, complaints, reposts. In addition, the functionality provides tracking of the hidden behavior of the account owner: a separate table collects the history of the profiles visited, indicating the time of viewing the page and the length of time spent on it.
Geolocation and GPS coordinates
Track someone else's location via Facebook
Use the software to monitor the movements of devices where the hacked user is authorized. A person's current geo-location and history of past movements are displayed on web maps integrated into the Socialtraker Dashboard in real time. The app uses an AI module to establish a trend between moves, and determine a person's home and work addresses.
How do you know who a person is corresponding with on Facebook?
The optimal and most versatile way is the spy app for Facebook - Socialtraker Tracker. First of all, note the wide functionality of the program, you can track messages and calls, find out where a person is, recover deleted correspondence and publications, hack password. Moreover, Socialtraker works on any devices, you will be able to hack Facebook on iOS or Android directly in your browser (Socialtraker is a web application, there is no need to download and install anything).
A set of tools for navigating the Facebook account database
Hack into a public page or group
- Socialtraker users gain full control over all the pages and groups a person manages. Depending on his or her role, you can control the roles of other users, published content, comments, and page data. Community or group ownership transfer is possible if the target account owner is the creator of the public.
Tracking and retaining publications
- Publications refers to all posts created by users in the public Facebook space - in their own timeline, in another person's timeline, or in a group. The app also tracks profile Stories. The feature of Socialtraker is the possibility of viewing a publication regardless of its status in the interface of the social network, the post will be available for viewing in Socialtraker, even if it has been deleted from Facebook.
Tracking favorite events and places
- In the web interface, information about all the events that are somehow marked in the profile (statuses "Interested" and "I will go") is displayed in an interactive calendar. The app also tracks locations that the user has liked - cafes, restaurants, clubs, public venues, and more.
Monitoring Facebook marketplace activity
- The tool allows you to stay up-to-date on the trading activity that the person being tracked is doing in the Marketplace. Socialtraker algorithms collect information about all the items a person has ever posted, track changes in their status and related posts, and display comments left under items.
Track advertising campaigns and audiences
- The web interface streams the actual data of all the campaigns the account owner has ever created - Coverage, Engagement, CPC, Referrals, and more. The software tracks all of the audiences used in the targeting settings: both those created with Facebook tools and those created based on client databases (by the way, these can be exported as CSV tables).
Tracking of payments and payment data
- With Socialtraker you can track financial reports of an account. In addition, the app monitor payment methods tied to your advertising account. Important: the use of payment data can lead to tracking detection, we recommend using the app for spying purposes only.
Additional tool: Database searching
- The app is able to perform advanced keyword searches - not only in message history, but also in attached files. The software includes a feature for recognizing people and faces in images, so you can search for photos that show a specific person or place (in this case the search will also use the geo tags of the image).
Managing roles in your advertising account
- Finally, Socialtraker technology allows you to manage the roles of users in a hacked ad account: assign and delete advertisers, add administrators and moderators to public pages linked to the account. Roles are managed in the Dashboard, you won't have to log in to the hacked account through the Facebook interface.
User feedback
Read what our customers have to say on reviews page

Ni siquiera el acceso a los mensajes es lo que más me gusta, sino la información de localización; puedo controlar los movimientos de mis hijos en cualquier momento si quiero. El control parental funciona de maravilla, ahora tengo total tranquilidad.

Es un programa estupendo. Por lo que sé, actualmente es la única aplicación que permite rastrear la correspondencia de las páginas de negocios en Facebook. Es más, parece ser completamente invisible para los usuarios hackeados, yo uso Socialtraker para leer la correspondencia de una tienda de la competencia, y el seguimiento ha sido más que estable desde hace varios meses.

Probably not the most popular way to use this app, but it is really good for parental control. I have three kids, they don't use Facebook, but the app is installed on their phones. I set up a profile link to follow them, and now I always know where they are.

This software has recently become popular among my friends, they read the correspondence of the girls they like so they can work out the best pickup lines. Well, how am I worse :)) Here you can track several people at the same time, so I hacked Messenger four of the prettiest girls from my course.

Socialtrakerは、タガーにとって最もクールなヒントです。 競合他社のリターゲティングオーディエンスをエクスポートして、それらに広告を掲載するだけで、人生がどれほど楽になるかはわかりません。 私のクライアントはショックを受けています、私たちは定期的にそのような効果的なキャンペーンを行ったことがありません。 これを思い付いて開発してくれた人たち、トップソリューションに感謝します!!!

كنت بحاجة إلى الحصول على كلمة مرور Facebook الخاصة بي السابقة لحذف البيانات الشخصية للغاية التي أرسلتها لها بحماقة منذ بعض الوقت. حسنًا ، لقد تطلب الأمر بعض الجهد ، لكنه كان يستحق ذلك تمامًا. لا يعرض التطبيق كلمة المرور الحالية فحسب ، بل يكتشف أيضًا متى تم تغييرها ، مما يعني أنه يمنحك حق الوصول الدائم إلى حسابك. سأعطيها بالتأكيد 5 من 5!

Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to questions that may arise when working with the software.
- How do I recover a deleted Facebook account without a phone number?
- Socialtraker software can help you securely get your Facebook profile back without having to contact support. The verification code you need to log in to your account will come to your Dashboard. There is also available functionality to restore deleted messages and Stories.
- How long does the application keep the database of a compromised account?
- Socialtraker keeps a database of hacked profiles on a continuous basis. Moreover, the database is constantly updated and updated.
- Does changing a Facebook profile owner's password affect the stability of tracking?
- Creating a new password does not affect tracking in any way. The application will track the new password and display it in the user's Dashboard.
- Can I hack into a Facebook business page that belongs to someone else?
- In order to take control of a business page, you must hack the personal page of the person who owns it.
- What information about the target user do I need to provide to ensure the hack is successful?
- The link to the target's Facebook profile, or the phone number that is linked to that profile, is sufficient to activate the hack.
- Is the application able to track ad campaign settings in Facebook Ads Manager?
- Once the hack is complete, the corresponding tab in the Socialtraker web interface will display all the actual ad campaigns managed by the target user.
- How to hack Facebook online without access to the phone
- Our developers have created a completely unique method of obtaining personal information, free from downloading and using spyware on the target device. Thus, any Facebook hacking software becomes a relic of the past. Get access online without the risk of being detected, thanks to a comprehensive implementation of advanced cybersecurity and encryption technologies.
- Can I download hacked account voice messages to my device?
- Yes, voice messages are exported as MP3 files and can be downloaded one by one or in batches of different types (messages of a certain contact, a certain day, a certain length).
The software operates on all the mobile platforms and networks worldwide.