Hack Youtube account online
The Socialtraker app is a one-stop solution for hacking into a Google password. The functionality of the software also allows you to crack the target YouTube channel, gain likes and subscribers, and hack Google email.
To launch the tracking, you need to provide a link to the YouTube channel you are going to hack.
The Socialtraker app is the only spy tool that gives you access to Google account storage. Photos, videos and documents stored there can be downloaded to your device at high speed. Moreover, if you activate synchronization with your device, all new files will be downloaded automatically in the background, in the presence of a Wi-Fi connection.
Track Google Mail correspondence history
Moderate comments under YouTube videos
Get likes, views, and subscribers on YouTube
Access to statistics on videos and ad campaigns
Get password from Google account for authorization

How to track another person's Google account password anonymously?
Socialtraker - remote YouTube account hacker
Create an Socialtraker account and activate a YouTube channel hacking session. As a rule, the whole process takes no more than 20 minutes. Once it is completed, you will be redirected to the Dashboard, which will display the full database of the hacked account.
Downloading data from the target account
Remotely hacking a YouTube channel
The app monitors activity in the target YouTube profile and broadcasts it to the web interface. You will be able to upload and delete videos from the channel, make publications in the Community, manage the channel's publicity and monetization settings. Another important feature is comment management: the ability to delete any comments under a video or publish new ones, on behalf of the user.

Account management
Block someone else's video or channel

Any Socialtraker user can initiate a temporary blocking of a video or YouTube channel belonging to another person. The software has hundreds of high-status accounts in its arsenal: when a blocking request is made, a complaint is sent from each of them about the targeted content, triggering a security response. To activate the tool, all you have to do is provide a link to the video.
Subscriber management
Export YouTube channel subscribers
Use the software to access the list of subscribers of the hacked YouTube channel. Each user subscribed to the channel will have an email address and attached phone number. When exported, the list is converted to a table, with the choice of document format left to you.

Determine current location
Track a person's geolocation via Google

The app uses data from Google Maps to determine a user's current location. Because of their popularity, using Google Maps is a versatile way to find out where a person is. In addition to geolocation, the web maps display all of the account's tags, and track the owner's routes.
How do I hack Google password for free and anonymously?
A reliable way to track Google password is to use a Google and YouTube hacking app. Socialtraker has a wide range of features, capable of hacking Gmail, Google Photo, Google Docs and other services. The good news is that the app can be free. For free access, you need to bring new users who will buy it using your link. From each person's payment, you will get a certain reward for which you can buy the software and hack another person's Google account and YouTube channel for free.
Socialtraker is the perfect tool to hack any YouTube account online
A tool for getting more views on YouTube
- The software is extremely effective for promoting YouTube videos and channels. Depending on the status of your Socialtraker account, you will receive a certain number of likes, views, and subscribers that you can get. If necessary, the limit can be raised at any time. Our approach is focused on organic promotion, leveling out the likelihood of video hosting backlash.
Cracking Google account password
- Authorization data from the YouTube account can be used to login to the compromised user's account on any Google service. The app displays the actual username and password, and transmits a verification code to the Dashboard if it was requested during the authorization attempt (as a rule, when authorizing from an unknown device, Google sends an SMS message with this code to the linked phone number).
Tracking Google email correspondence
- Gmail correspondence tracking takes place in real time, which means that you'll learn about new incoming and outgoing emails as quickly as possible. Socialtraker also knows how to track unsent emails saved in Drafts. The sorting of hacked messages in the software interface copies the sorting in the victim's mailbox: Unread, Notifications, Spam, etc. If a file is attached to an email, it can be downloaded directly from the browser.
You can track multiple accounts simultaneously
- Our technology supports the ability to track 5 Google accounts simultaneously from a single Socialtraker account. You can create multiple hacking sessions simultaneously. If you run synchronously, a discount will be applied to the total cost of all sessions. Different design options are available in the interface, providing different levels of tracking priority for individual accounts.
Pay with cryptocurrency to increase privacy
- The entire process of Socialtraker tracking is completely confidential and secure, it cannot be tracked. The only step we do not control is software payment. If you pay by bank card or e-money, the purchase information will also be saved in the payment system database. However, there is an alternative: use any cryptocurrency system for payment, then the purchase will be untraceable.
Tracked emails can be automatically forwarded to your email
- The app has an advanced user notification system that makes tracking much easier. You can find out about a person's new activity via push notifications or emails. By the way, this is especially handy for snooping - all new emails can be instantly sent to your email.
User reviews
Read what our customers have to say on reviews page

A mio modesto parere, Socialtraker è lo strumento di monitoraggio Gmail più perfetto. Bravo! È un'interfaccia molto facile da usare, molto veloce e stabile. Non mi sono mai pentito di aver comprato questa app. La raccomando!

These are scary times we are living in, people! :D I needed a phone and a few bucks to hack the password to my boss's Google account! All I needed was the password, which I successfully cracked. But how shocked I was by the hidden functionality of the app, no words!

Sou fã do YouTube e tenho tentado muitas formas de hackear o sistema e promover os meus vídeos, sendo pago. O Socialtraker não é o mais acessível, mas é definitivamente um dos mais eficazes. Pode obter até 100 visualizações por hora de graça, além de ser barato comprar pacotes adicionais. Tanto quanto sei, recebem-nos de diferentes IPs da mesma região, o que significa que tornam os vídeos populares em certos países e facilitam a sua entrada na tendência.

بالتأكيد مراجعة إيجابية! كان صديقي السابق يروي تفاصيل مختلفة من علاقتنا على قناته ، ولم يكن هناك ما يمكنني فعله لإيقافها. محظوظ لأن معارفه اقترحوا اختراقه ونصحوا هذا التطبيق. لقد اخترقت وحذف كل شيء من القناة شكرا جزيلا لك! علاوة على ذلك ، حتى لو أنشأ قناة جديدة ، يمكنني حظرها عن بُعد وعدم دفع أي شيء.

मुझे क्या पसंद आया। डिजाइन, कुछ भी फैंसी नहीं है, लेकिन यह बहुत स्पष्ट है। परिणाम, धन्यवाद ऐप में वेबसाइट पर उल्लिखित सभी सुविधाएं हैं। मुझे क्या पसंद नहीं आया: मैं कुछ लोगों को हैक करना चाहता था, लेकिन मुझे तुरंत एहसास नहीं हुआ कि आपको छूट के लिए एक ही समय में ऐसा करना होगा। समर्थन के लिए लिखा, लेकिन अब छूट नहीं दी गई। मेल द्वारा सूचनाएं। कई पत्र स्पैम में आए। हालाँकि, इस समर्थन से बस मदद मिली।

სერიოზულად რომ ვთქვა, ძალიან დამეხმარა, ახლა გაცილებით რთული იქნება ჩემი გათავისუფლება, თუ იცით რას ვგულისხმობ. მუშაობის სიჩქარე, აპლიკაცია მუშაობს ყოველგვარი მუხრუჭების გარეშე. განსაკუთრებით ძლიერია ის ფაქტი, რომ Drafts თვალთვალის წყალობით, თქვენ შეგიძლიათ თითქმის პირდაპირ ეთერში ნახოთ იმ ელ.წერილები, რომლებსაც ადამიანი წერს ამ მომენტში.

Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to questions that may arise when working with the software.
- Will the password from a hacked YouTube channel work for logging into other Google services?
- The hacked YouTube channel password can be used to sign in to user accounts at Google Docs, Google Photo, Google Mail, Google Storage, and any other services.
- Can I publish or delete videos on a hacked channel via Socialtraker?
- You can manage channel content directly in the web interface. You will also be able to edit video descriptions, and make new publications in the Channel Community.
- How do I hack Google Drive? Will I get access to my Google account documents?
- Hacking Google Drive is on the list of activities that Socialtraker does by default. Documents stored there can be downloaded to your device at any time. The software also tracks and duplicates in the Dashboard all new documents of the target user.
- Is the app able to track emails in the Gmail inbox if the compromised user deleted them?
- The software restores all correspondence that was added to the trash of hacked Google emails.
- Can I adjust the number of likes and views I get?
- You specify the number of views and likes exactly. If necessary, you can set a daily volume that you want to gain, and the app will maintain it automatically in the background.
- The main reasons for hacking Youtube channel?
- As a rule, YouTube hacking is used to monitor the activity of loved ones, company employees or to always be in the know. Our policy is not to be interested in the purposes the tracker is used for, which ensures absolute freedom in finding the application field of the product.
The software operates on all the mobile platforms and networks worldwide.