Twitter Hack & Tracking app online Socialtraker
Create an Socialtraker account to hack the password of any Twitter account. Once the hack is complete, you'll have a wide range of tools available to track the target user's activity and monitor the hidden activities on their profile.
The first thing to do is to provide the link to the profile you are going to hack or the phone number tied to it:
The app is able to provide access to correspondence, hidden postings, username, password, and other target profile data. Activity tracking occurs anonymously and unnoticed by the account owner.
Set up tracking of a user's correspondence
Monitor and save all tweets and flits
Track and spy for actions performed by the user
Restore blocked accounts and save a content
Crack login and password for account authorization

Easy to use
The account hacking process is very user-friendly, and you don't need any technical or hacking experience to work with the service. Our experts have done this work for you by developing the software.
Flexible system
Unlike other account hacking methods, Socialtraker works remotely from the user's device. You don't need to install spyware, or even know how your target accesses their account.
100% Secure
Cybersecurity and vulnerability search experts have provided the most flexible solution possible. Hacking Twitter online is equally accessible for beginners and advanced users alike.
Performance speed
Hundreds of optimizations and software updates have made Socialtraker the best Twitter hacking tool on the market. The vast experience of our developers means you'll have access to the information you need within 10 minutes.
Is it possible to hack Twitter for free?
You shouldn't expect operations as complex as Twitter hacking to be free. However, there are still options that allow you to do it without spending money. The safest and most legitimate one is the Socialtraker app affiliate program: after registering an account and applying for the program, you will be assigned a unique link that you can share with other users. You'll earn a percentage for each user who follows your link, creates an account, and pays for the Socialtraker package. You can spend the funds to pay for the functionality of the application or withdraw them to an external account.
Hack any Twitter profile without access to the target phone
Socialtraker users get access to the full database of the hacked Twitter account:
The software duplicates the database in the Socialtraker Dashboard, a web interface through which up to 5 different accounts can be tracked simultaneously. It also displays all new activity in the target profile in real time.
Control over someone else's Twitter
Hack another person's Twitter password
Up-to-date authorization data becomes available for viewing and copying along with other sensitive account data - phone number, email address, authorized device information, and a list of blocked users. The app will also help with two-factor authentication, if needed: it will show the secret key or display the verification code from an SMS.
- Can you imagine what happened?
- My ex posted a just awful Tweet about me🤬
- What to do now, how to make me delete it🤬?
- You don't have to make anyone😂
- Just hack her Twitter through Socialtraker and delete what you need😎
- Thanks for the smart advice, that's what I'm going to do now! 🙏🏽
Tweets and publications
Tracking the account's publications

Publication tracking works in a similar way, any published content is saved in the Socialtraker database forever. And we're not just talking about tweets, but also about flits: unlike Twitter itself, where these posts "live" for only 24 hours, in the Dashboard content and its viewing statistics remain available for viewing at any time you want.
Intercept access codes
Read and track SMS on the target device
Twitter users can publish new tweets without accessing the internet, the social network uses SMS technology for data transmission. This feature opens up additional possibilities for hacking: the software uses the compromised app's permissions on the device to access its SMS history and duplicate it in the web interface.

Geolocation and movement information
Determine a person's location via Twitter
All geodata received during tracking is displayed on interactive web maps. The application broadcasts the current location of the devices authorized in the account, shows the locations of tweets and flits publishing, saves information about the person's movements. If necessary, any point on the map can be exported as coordinates or opened on Google Maps in one click.
How to hack a Twitter account unnoticed by the owner?
There is a universal solution for tracking Twitter - the Socialtraker app. Being a web application, it has no system requirements, just a browser is enough to run the software. Thus, it is an equally effective way to hack Twitter on iPhone and Android.
More features to work with Twitter
Read someone else's Twitter correspondence
- In the Dashboard, the full message history of the hacked account is duplicated: text messages, photos and videos sent in private and group chats. By the way, with Socialtraker you will have constant access even to those messages that were deleted from the targeted correspondence - only you can delete any already tracked data from the software interface.
Activity history and new activity monitoring
- The software tracks the compromised person's interactions with other users: likes, reposts, complaints, comments, and replies. Activity is the most saturated and frequently updated section of the app, so it has integrated navigation tools: various filter sets, sorting options, an internal search engine, and more.
Recording live broadcasts and restoring broadcasts from Periscope
- After the social network announced it was shutting down Periscope, the Socialtraker app became the only way to track a user's record of past broadcasts - if any broadcasts are associated with a compromised Twitter account, the software will automatically restore them. New live tweets are also tracked and, with the appropriate settings, recorded and stored in the Socialtraker account database.
Account management
- Users gain full control over the hacked account and its content. You can create, edit or delete publications, participate in correspondence, reset passwords, change linked phone numbers or emails, and manage active authorization sessions on the account. The account itself can be temporarily frozen or disabled.
Restore a blocked or deleted Twitter account
- The architecture of the social network involves storing deleted account data in the form of backups. Socialtraker' unique technology can access the target backup and restore a deleted account, and will restore it according to Twitter's policies. Twitter's security system will not identify the process as tampering.
Lock someone else's post or account
- As an active Socialtraker account holder, you can block other users' profiles and posts on purpose. All you have to do is provide a link to the target, and then the software will use a wide database of accounts under your control, from which hundreds of complaints about the publication or user will be sent.
Hack Twitter ad account
- The functionality allows tracking any data in one way or another related to the hacked user's advertising activity: statistics on promoted tweets, targeting settings, effectiveness and cost of campaigns, payment methods used. The web interface can only be used for tracking. You will need to log in to your Twitter account to manage your ad campaigns.
Using password cracking software
- The cheapest and most well-known approach to hack Twitter passwords is to use a password cracker. However, such things lose effectiveness every day, because the first time you try to pick a Twitter password, you are likely to be temporarily blocked by your IP address for several minutes. Therefore, the ideal and fast tool to hack Twitter would be Socialtraker. Trust your time to the professionals!
User feedback
Read what our customers have to say on reviews page

I actively use Twitter and this feature has taken my experience to the next level. The app has given me the ability to completely secure myself. I just changed my tweet privacy settings to avoid shadowban just in case 👍

Ich musste den Twitter-Account meiner Kollegin hacken, nachdem sie anfing, "Enthüllungen" zu posten, die meinen beruflichen Ruf bedrohten. Ehrlich gesagt, halte ich in solchen Momenten das Hacken für einen absolut vertretbaren Schritt.

Mis amigos y yo utilizamos Socialtraker, tramando una pequeña broma. Un amigo nuestro está a punto de cumplir 40 años, y decidimos que era nuestro sagrado deber recuperar del abismo de internet sus viejas emisiones de Periscope que probablemente esperaba no ver nunca. Señores, les damos la máxima nota de éxito, hacía tiempo que no veíamos al cumpleañero tan enfadado, no desde su fiesta de treinta años

برنامج رائع. تم حظر حسابي على Twitter للتحدث عن الحقيقة التي لا تحظى بشعبية حول الوباء وكل ما يحدث مؤخرًا. كان الدافع من Socialtraker أحد معارفه ؛ استخدم البرنامج لاستعادة حساب محذوف. كما اتضح ، فهو مناسب أيضًا لإلغاء القفل! انتظرت لفترة أطول خاصة قبل كتابة المراجعة.

Absolutely do not approve of hacking accounts, correspondence and other things, but I find this app extremely useful for one important function - it saves flits. I configured Socialtraker so it saves the flits of those I am subscribed to and now I have a huge evidence base that my opponents don't even know about.

The most reliable and safest way to hack Twitter correspondence! Believe me, I've tried different ones. I will not describe my experience in detail, except to say that the app has never failed, and I track the correspondence of 4 people from one account! I like that it can send notifications, it makes tracking much easier. I recommend it to anyone who is seriously considering hacking.

Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to questions that may arise when working with the software.
- How fast does the app save published flits? Will the flit be saved if the owner of the target account deletes it a minute after publication?
- The app only needs a fraction of a second to save a published flit. Once saved, the data cannot disappear anywhere from the Dashboard, you are the only one who can delete it.
- Is the app able to provide access to the target user's database in Periscope?
- The software will automatically duplicate the Periscope account database in the web interface if the hacked person has used the platform before.
- Will I be able to track the hacked person's comments under someone else's posts if those posts are restricted by another user's privacy settings?
- Socialtraker users can track all activity on hacked accounts. Simply put, you will be able to see all the content that the account owner can see.
- Will I be able to edit the target account's posts and comments?
- Socialtraker technology gives you full control over any activity on the target account.
- Is the app capable of unblocking accounts that have been permanently banned?
- The functionality of the app is enough to unlock any Twitter account, regardless of the original blocking period.
The software operates on all the mobile platforms and networks worldwide.